David R. Custin has worked in Florida’s political process since 1991. Since that time, Mr. Custin has garnered experience in Florida political campaigns as a Field/Grass Roots Coordinator, Deputy Campaign Manager, Campaign Manager, and General Strategic Consultant. Today, DRC Consulting, Inc. serves as the political wing of Mr. Custin’s business activity. His experience in Florida political campaigns includes:
In addition, the firm has extensive experience in developing and consulting for various types of political organizations, including Political Committees (PC) and Electioneering Communication Organizations (ECO). DRC Consulting has also provided services for the major political parties at the state and national level.
DRC Consulting is allied with various associated firms to provide clients with a full menu of campaign political services. Services are provided either directly by DRC Consulting or by closely supervised subcontracted services.
General strategic campaign consultation.
District and data analysis, and voter targeting for message maximization.
User-friendly voter walk and telephone lists.
Direct Mail and print advertisements.
Phone banking (automated and by individuals).
Production, placement, and purchasing of radio advertisements.
Production, placement, and purchasing of television advertisements (cable & network).
Digital/Social media design, management services, and the purchasing of advertisements.
Strategic consultation on effective field operations and grassroots activities.
Strategic consultation on how to build allies and attain endorsements.
Vote by mail voter outreach and turnout maximization operation.
Early voter communication and outreach.
Subcontracted phone append and e-mail append services.
Strategic consultation on message development and effective communication to voters.
Website design, hosting, and management services.
Identification and recruitment of credible and affordable targeted research firms.
Identification and recruitment of credible and affordable polling firms.
Identification and recruitment of credible and affordable elections legal counsel.
Strategic planning and consultation on Legislative leadership races.
Consultation and services for issue-advocacy or independent expenditure activities.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and Video Ad(s) production; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and Video Ad(s) production; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and Video Ad(s) production; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and Video Ad(s) production; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and Video Ad(s) production; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
The following campaigns received general consulting services and won election without opposition:
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; and voter file analysis and targeting.
All general strategic consulting services; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; text communications, vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; text communications, vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
Successful soft money coordinated campaign operation in Homestead City Council seats 1 and 6. General strategic consulting services; budgeting and planning; and direct mail.
The following campaigns received general consulting services and won election without opposition:
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; and voter file analysis and targeting.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; and voter file analysis and targeting.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting;
radio and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail;
phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting
and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting;
TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone
bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and
election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting;
TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone
bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and
election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; direct mail; voter file analysis and targeting.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting;
digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by
mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll
development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production;
digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by
mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting; digital and social media advertising;
direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of
early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting; digital and social media advertising;
direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of
early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; phone bank and canvassing
operations; and vote by mail operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting;
radio and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail;
phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting
and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting; digital and social media advertising;
direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of
early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations;
message development; voter file analysis and targeting; digital and social media advertising;
direct mail; phone bank and canvassing operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of
early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; coordination with hard money operations; voter file
analysis and targeting; direct mail; and phone bank.
General strategic consulting services; poll development; message development; voter file
analysis and targeting; TV and digital/social media ads production; phone bank and canvassing
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; texting communications; Autocall broadcasts; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and direct mail.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; radio ad(s) purchasing services; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; texting communications; Autocall broadcasts; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; texting communications; Autocall broadcasts; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and direct mail.
Successful coordinated electioneering communication operation to ensure the defeat of Alex Penelas to the office of Miami-Dade County Mayor in the August Primary Election. General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; various voter communications such as opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; and phone bank operations. In the November General Election the coordinated campaign was unsuccessful as it resulted in defeat.
Coordinated electioneering communication operation in support of Esteban “Steve” Bovo to the office of Miami-Dade County Mayor in the General Election. General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; TV ad purchasing services.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; various voter communications such as opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; and phone bank operations. This coordinated campaign was unsuccessful as it resulted in defeat.
Successful soft money independent expenditure operation to ensure the defeat of Christian Ulvert to the Miami Shores Village Council (elect “Anyone But Ulvert”). All general strategic consulting services; budgeting and planning; opposition research; and various voter communications such as digital and social media advertising, direct mail, and text communications.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; opposition research; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; guidance on hard and soft money operations; hard dollar budgeting and planning; and guidance on message development.
All general strategic consulting services; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; phone bank operations; text communications; vote by mail operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; various voter communications such as direct mail, phone bank operations, & TV ad purchasing services; and
poll development. Particular, extra attention to Miami-Dade County based districts.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; poll development; phone bank operations; TV and Radio Ad(s) production and purchasing. Particular focus on Special General Election in Senate District 36.
General strategic consulting services; and autocall broadcast plan and script
development. Particular focus on Miami-Dade County.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital/social media ad production and purchasing; and phone bank operations.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; and phone bank operations.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; assistance with TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital/social media ad production and purchasing; and phone bank operations.
The following campaigns received general consulting services and won election without opposition:
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; and voter file analysis and targeting.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; and poll development. Particular focus on Special General Elections in House Districts 44, 58, 72, and 116.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; poll development; phone bank operations; TV and Radio Ad(s) production and purchasing. Particular focus on Special General Election in Senate District 40.
In the Special Primary Election: General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV and Radio Ad(s) production and purchasing. In the Special General Election: General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; budgeting and planning; and Radio Ad(s) production and purchasing.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; and assistance with election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard money operations; poll development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV and radio Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail and phone bank operations.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; and phone bank operations.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; and phone bank operations.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; Direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; assistance with TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
The following campaigns received general consulting services and won election without opposition:
Coordination of hard and soft money operations; voter file analysis and targeting; Thank You campaign TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; digital and social media advertising; and direct mail.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; assistance with TV and Radio Ad production; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV and Radio Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and assistance with early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; radio ad production and purchasing; phone bank operations; and absentee ballot operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; assistance with TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; radio ad(s) purchasing and assistance with production; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); phone bank operations; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; assistance with TV Ad production; Spanish TV Ad purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; absentee ballot operation; and assistance with election day polling place coverage.
Noteworthy: This “underdog” campaign resulted in a victory against a 4-year incumbent. All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; assistance with radio ad production; Spanish radio ad purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
Noteworthy: This “underdog” campaign resulted in a 20% victory against a 14-year incumbent sitting as Mayor. All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; assistance with radio ad production; Spanish radio ad purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and assistance with election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of a soft money operation with the campaign; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and direct mail.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and assistance with election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and assistance with election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.\
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; supervision of radio ad production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and direct mail.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of a soft money operation with the campaign; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; and telephone broadcasts.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services and coordination of a soft money operation with the campaign; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; and telephone broadcasts.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
During the run-off election, all general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; and telephone broadcasts.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
The following campaigns received general consulting services and won election without opposition:
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
Note: for the first time in memory, this campaign defeated two other candidates which were each part of organized opposing citywide slate campaign operations. All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; and direct mail.
Served on the general strategic consulting team; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and direct mail.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing.
All general strategic consulting services; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; Spanish TV Ad(s) purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; and direct mail.
All general strategic consulting services; message development; and TV Ad(s) production and purchasing.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination and management of election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); and absentee ballot operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination and management of early voting and election day polling place coverage.
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; Spanish TV Ad(s) planning and development; Spanish Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination and management of election day polling place coverage.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); and absentee ballot operation.
Strategic consulting services; direct mail services, telephone broadcasts; voter file appends, management, analysis and targeting; provision of all walk and phone lists; recruitment and supervision of opposition research and polling firms; absentee ballot and early voting outreach operations; Spanish TV and radio buys, placements, and tracking; coordination and management of Election Day polling place coverage operation.
Strategic consulting services; direct mail services, telephone broadcasts, voter file appends, management, analysis and targeting;; provision of all walk and phone lists; recruitment and supervision of opposition research and polling firms; absentee ballot and early voting outreach operations; and Spanish TV and radio buys, placements, and tracking.
Strategic consulting services; direct mail services, and telephone broadcasts. This campaign successfully defeated the outgoing Speaker of the Florida House’s hand-picked and endorsed successor.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation; and coordination and management of election day polling place coverage (*Weithorn campaign was only during the run-off election, covering a 10-day period).
General strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); and absentee ballot operation.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation and primary election day coverage of polling places.
All general strategic consulting services; coordination of hard and soft money operations; poll development, implementation and analysis; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; TV Ad(s) production and purchasing; Radio ad(s) production and purchasing; direct mail; telephone broadcast(s); absentee ballot operation and election day coverage of polling places.
Voter file analysis and targeting; General strategy and planning; direct mail and phone bank issue-advocacy services to benefit Luis Garcia, who narrowly won the election and became the first Democrat to take this seat which had been held by Republicans for fourteen years.
Strategic consulting services; TV Ad production; direct mail; and telephone broadcasts.
Strategic consulting services; direct mail; telephone broadcasts; and opposition research.
Direct mail services, by way of both hard and ECO (soft money).
All general strategic consulting services; message development; voter file analysis and targeting; radio ad(s) production and purchasing; TV ad(s) purchasing; and direct mail.
Direct mail and phone bank ECO issue-advocacy services to benefit State Representative Juan C. Zapata, who won reelection.
Strategic consulting services; direct mail; telephone broadcasts; and opposition research
More often than not, DRC Consulting will be the main entity that a client will contract and communicate with. DRC Consulting maintains associates that work as subcontractors and are loyal members of a close-knit, talented, and experienced team. As a result, DRC Consulting offers comprehensive campaign services while maintaining complete confidentiality and loyalty to retained Clients. Subcontractor names will be provided upon request. The DRC Consulting team offers highly organized, hard-working, competent, and creative expertise in successfully winning political campaigns. DRC Consulting has proven it can win in various types of districts, different languages, and whether clients spend more or spend less money than their opponents.
Send a message and we will get back soon.